
admin 2021年12月23日03:54:16
204 620字阅读2分4秒

The Wiz (1978) …. Scarecrow 1978年的音乐剧The Wiz 翻拍自迈克尔·杰克逊最爱的经典电影《绿野仙踪》,由戴安娜·罗斯和理查德·普赖尔领衔主演,杰克逊扮演的是稻草人Scarecrow 。

The Wiz (1978) .... Scarecrow文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/324.html

1978年的音乐剧The Wiz翻拍自迈克尔·杰克逊最爱的经典电影《绿野仙踪》,由戴安娜·罗斯和理查德·普赖尔领衔主演,杰克逊扮演的是稻草人Scarecrow文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/324.html

Released in 1978 The Wiz, directed by Sidney Lumet, is a remake of one of Michael Jackson's favourite movies "The Wizard of Oz". The film has an all blackcast with Diana Ross playing the lead role of Dorothy and Richard Pryor as The Wiz. Michael Jackson plays the Scarecrow. The Wiz was Michaels first step into the movies and he found he enjoyed the 5 hour make up sessions, 6 days a week, transforming him into the Scarerow and be able to become a different character. Also features Michael The film does have a soundtrack on which Michael Jackson features on 6 of the tracks. Michaels performance was praised by the critics.文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/324.html

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